
Befehlsgruppe $STATPT (STATionary PoinTs)

$STATPT group (optional, for RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE or SADPOINT)

This group controls the search for stationary points. Note that NZVAR in $CONTRL determines if the geometry search is conducted in Cartesian or internal coordinates.
METHOD = optimization algorithm selection. Pick from NR Straight Newton-Raphson iterate. This will attempt to
locate the nearest stationary point, which may be of any order. There is no steplength control. RUNTYP can be
either OPTIMIZE or SADPOINT RFO Rational Function Optimization. This is one of the augmented Hessian techniques where the shift parameter(s) is(are) chosen by a rational function approximation to the PES. For SADPOINT searches it involves two shift parameters. If the calculated stepsize is larger than DXMAX the step is simply scaled down to size.
QA Quadratic Approximation. This is another version of an augmented Hessian technique where the shift parameter is chosen such that the steplength is equal to DXMAX. It is completely equivalent to the TRIM method. (default)
SCHLEGEL The quasi-NR optimizer by Schlegel.
CONOPT CONstrained OPTimization. An algorithm which can be used for locating TSs. The starting geometry MUST be a minimum! The algorithm tries to push the geometry uphill along a chosen Hessian mode (IFOLOW) by a series of optimizations on hyperspheres of increasingly larger radii. Note that there currently are no restart capabilitites for this method, not even manually.
OPTTOL = gradient convergence tolerance, in Hartree/Bohr. Convergence of a geometry search requires the largest component of the gradient to be less than OPTTOL, and the root mean square gradient less than 1/3 of OPTTOL. (default=0.0001)
NSTEP = maximum number of steps to take. Restart data is punched if NSTEP is exceeded. (default=20)

• the next four control the step size
DXMAX = initial trust radius of the step, in Bohr.
For METHOD=RFO, QA, or SCHLEGEL, steps will be scaled down to this value, if necessary. (default=0.3 for OPTIMIZE and 0.2 for SADPOINT)
For METHOD=NR, DXMAX is inoperative.
For METHOD=CONOPT, DXMAX is the step along the previous two points to increment the hypersphere radius between constrained optimizations. (default=0.1)

• the next three apply only to METHOD=RFO or QA:
TRUPD = a flag to allow the trust radius to change as the geometry search proceeds. (default=.TRUE.)
TRMAX = maximum permissible value of the trust radius. (default=0.5 for OPTIMIZE and 0.3 for SADPOINT)
TRMIN = minimum permissible value of the trust radius. (default=0.05)
• the next three control mode following
IFOLOW = Mode selection switch, for RUNTYP=SADPOINT.
For METHOD=RFO or QA, the mode along which the energy is maximized, other modes are minimized. Usually refered to as "eigenvector following".
For METHOD=SCHLEGEL, the mode whose eigenvalue is (or will be made) negative. All other curvatures will be made positive.
For METHOD=CONOPT, the mode along which the geometry is initially perturbed from the minima. (default is 1)
In Cartesian coordinates, this variable doesn't count the six translation and rotation degrees. Note that the "modes" aren't from mass-weighting.
STPT = flag to indicate whether the initial geometry is considered a stationary point. If .true. the initial geometry will be perturbed by a step along the IFOLOW normal mode with stepsize STSTEP. (default=.false.) The positive
direction is taken as the one where the largest component of the Hessian mode is positive. If there are more than one largest component (symmetry), the first is taken as positive.
Note that STPT=.TRUE. has little meaning with HESS=GUESS as there will be many degenerate eigenvalues.
STSTEP = Stepsize for jumping off a stationary point. Using values of 0.05 or more may work better. (default=0.01)
IFREEZ = array of coordinates to freeze. These may be internal or Cartesian coordinates. For example, IFREEZ(1)=1,3 freezes the two bond lengths in the $ZMAT example, while optimizing the angle. If NZVAR=0, so that this value applies to the Cartesian coordinates instead, the input of IFREEZ(1)=4,7 means to freeze the x coordinates if the 2nd and 3rd atoms in the molecule.
See also IFZMAT and FVALUE in $ZMAT, and IFCART below, as IFREEZ does not apply to DLC internals.
In a numerical Hessian run, IFREEZ specifies Cartesian displacements to be skipped for a Partial Hessian Analysis. For more information: J.D. Head, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 65, 827, 1997 H. Li, J.H. Jensen,
manuscript in preparation.
IFCART = array of Cartesian coordinates to freeze during a geometry optimization using delocalized internal coordinates.

• The next two control the hessian matrix quality
HESS = selects the initial hessian matrix.
= GUESS chooses a positive definite diagonal hessian. (default for RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE)
= READ causes the hessian to be read from a $HESS group. (default for RUNTYP=SADPOINT)
= RDAB reads only the ab initio part of the hessian, and approximates the effective fragment blocks.
= RDALL reads the full hessian, then converts any fragment blocks to 6x6 T+R shape. (this option is seldom used).
= CALC causes the hessian to be computed, see the $FORCE group.
IHREP = the number of steps before the hessian is recomputed. If given as 0, the hessian will be computed only at the initial geometry if you choose HESS=CALC, and never again. If nonzero, the hessian is recalculated
every IHREP steps, with the update formula used on other steps. (default=0)

• the next two control the amount of output

Let 0 mean the initial geometry, L mean the last geometry, and all mean every geometry. Let INTR mean the internuclear distance matrix. Let HESS mean the approximation to the hessian. Note that a directly calculated hessian
matrix will always be punched, NPUN refers only to the updated hessians used by the quasi-Newton step.
NPRT = 1 Print INTR at all, orbitals at all
              0 Print INTR at all, orbitals at 0+L (default)
            -1 Print INTR at all, orbitals never
            -2 Print INTR at 0+L, orbitals never
NPUN = 3 Punch all orbitals and HESS at all 2 Punch all orbitals at all
               1 same as 0, plus punch HESS at all
               0 Punch all orbitals at 0+L, otherwise only occupied orbitals (default)
             -1 Punch occ orbitals at 0+L only
             -2 Never punch orbitals
HSSEND = a flag to control automatic hessian evaluation at the end of a successful geometry search. (default=.FALSE.)

---- the following parameters are quite specialized ----

PURIFY = a flag to help eliminate the rotational and translational degrees of freedom from the initial hessian (and possibly initial gradient). This is much like the variable of the same name in $FORCE, and will be relevant only if
internal coordinates are in use. (default=.FALSE.)

PROJCT = a flag to eliminate translation and rotational degrees of freedom from Cartesian optimizations. The default is .TRUE. since this normally will reduce the number of steps, except that this variable is set false when
POSITION=FIXED is used during EFP runs.
ITBMAT = number of micro-iterations used to compute the step in Cartesians which corresponds to the desired step in internals. The default is 5.
UPHESS = SKIP do not update Hessian (not recommended)
BFGS default for OPTIMIZE using RFO or QA
POWELL default for OPTIMIZE using NR or CONOPT
MSP mixed Murtagh-Sargent/Powell update SCHLEGEL only choice for METHOD=SCHLEGEL
MOVIE = a flag to create a series of structural data which can be show as a movie by the Macintosh program Chem3D. The data is written to the file IRCDATA. (default=.FALSE.)

---- NNEG, RMIN, RMAX, RLIM apply only to SCHLEGEL ----

NNEG = The number of negative eigenvalues the force constant matrix should have. If necessary the smallest eigenvalues will be reversed. The default is 0 for RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE, and 1 for RUNTYP=SADPOINT.
RMIN = Minimum distance threshold. Points whose root mean square distance from the current point is less than RMIN are discarded. (default=0.0015)
RMAX = Maximum distance threshold. Points whose root mean square distance from the current point is greater than RMAX are discarded. (default=0.1)
RLIM = Linear dependence threshold. Vectors from the current point to the previous points must not be collinear. (default=0.07)

• See the 'further information' section for some help with OPTIMIZE and SADPOINT runs

