

$SYSTEM group (optional)

This group provides global control information for your computer's operation. This is system related input, and will not seem particularly chemical to you!
TIMLIM = time limit, in minutes. Set to about 95 percent of the time limit given to the batch job so that GAMESS can stop itself gently. (default=600.0)
MWORDS = the maximum replicated memory which your job can use, on every node. This is given in units of 1,000,000 words (as opposed to 1024*1024 words), where a word is always a 64 bit quantity. Most systems allocate this memory at run time, but some more primitive systems may have an upper limit chosen at compile time. (Default=1) In case finer control over the memory is needed, this value can be given in units of words by using the keyword MEMORY instead of MWORDS.
MEMDDI = the grand total memory needed for the distributed data interface (DDI) storage, given in units of 1,000,000 words. See Chapter 5 of this manual for an extended explanation of running with MEMDDI.
note: the memory required on each node for a run using p processors is therefore MWORDS + MEMDDI/p.
The parallel runs that currently require MEMDDI are:
SCFTYP=RHF MPLEVL=2 energy or gradient
All other parallel runs should enter MEMDDI=0.
PARALL = a flag to cause the distributed data parallel MP2 program to execute the parallel algorithm even if you are running on only one node. The main purpose of this is to allow you to do EXETYP=CHECK runs to learn what
the correct value of MEMDDI needs to be.
KDIAG = diagonalization control switch
= 0 use a vectorized diagonalization routine if one is available on your machine, else use EVVRSP. (default)
= 1 use EVVRSP diagonalization. This may be more accurate than KDIAG=0.
= 2 use GIVEIS diagonalization (not as fast or reliable as EVVRSP)
= 3 use JACOBI diagonalization (this is the slowest method)
COREFL = a flag to indicate whether or not GAMESS should produce a "core" file for debugging when subroutine ABRT is called to kill a job. This variable pertains only to UNIX operating systems. (default=.FALSE.)


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